The Commonwealth is fortunate to have you among its leadership.
We in the Office of the Comptroller look forward to working with you.
In addition to your mission-based responsibilities, 你有责任对你的机构进行财务管理和财政监督. 根据州财政法律和主计长权力下放的规定,这项关键的监督应由你负责 Department Head Signature Authorization Policy.
Under the policies of the Office of the Comptroller, while retaining overall responsibility, 您可以将日常职责委派给领导团队的某些成员和员工 Department Head Signature Authorization Policy. 有关主要联系人职责的详细信息,请参阅 Key State Law Compliance Roles and Responsibilities document.
CTR的 Department Signature Authorization in MMARS Transactions Policy 概述了委托签名授权和在会计系统中对MMARS文档使用电子签名所需的条件. Once the department head has delegated this authority, 你们机构的部门安全官员必须输入MMARS交易文件, UDOC, to grant this level of authorization.
注意: 没有不符, 任何先前获得签署权的人将在你上任30天后自动失去签署权.
Aprel McCabe, CTR的学习节目 & 解决方案经理, 随时准备与您和您的领导团队成员交谈或会面,向您更详细地解释这些关键政策,并帮助您的机构遵守这些政策.